Arcade Pro

Fill in this form to register:

Personal data:

Business data:

Re-type this code in the field below.
Enter the code shown above then click "Submit".

1 Enter your personal e-mail address and not the generic company e-mail (e.g, not because your personal password will be sent to this address.
2 Your title or job in the company.
3 The unique company number is a number assigned to each company in many countries like United Kingdom, Canada, Spain, Belgium... If it's not applicable in your country, enter your legal VAT (or another taxpayer identification) number. This is needed for security reasons.

Cost: This service is totally free. We don't and will never charge for it. There is no hidden cost.
Privacy: All personal data you provide will be kept private on our servers in Denmark and Belgium. Your data won't be given away, traded, transfered or exchanged in any way to any third parties. There is no risk that we share your data.

© 2007 Made Of Dreams